Plenary Speakers

Dr. Toshinori Tsuru
Hiroshima University, Japan
Plenary title: Subnano-tuning of amorphous
Silicon-based membranes for improved performance: Fabrication,
characterization, and application to gas and liquid phase

Dr. Davide Mattia
University of Bath, UK
Plenary title: Siloxene Membranes For Liquid Separations

Dr. Wilhelm A. Meulenberg
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Plenary title: Recent developments in ceramic
membranes for gas separation and membrane reactors

Dr. Theodore Tsotsis
University of Southern California, USA
Plenary title: Reactive separations with
inorganic membranes: transitioning from fundamental studies to
practical applications

Dr. Jerry Lin
Arizona State University, USA
Plenary title: Inorganic Membranes: Past, Present, and Future - A Personal
Journey and Perspective

Dr. Anita Buekenhoudt
VITO, Belgium
Plenary title: Grafting of ceramic membranes:
boosting application potential in liquid filtration

Dr. Aadesh Harale
Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia
Plenary title: Palladium membranes technology developments for decarbonization:
industry perspective